brown-skinned person laughs and tosses their hands to the sky

go from heartbreak and burn-out to purpose and fierce joy.



Tired of heartache and despair at the state of the world?

Dive into the transformative world of epigenetic alchemy and experience the profound shift from carrying the burdens of the past to reclaiming the vitality of your present.

Picture a life where you breathe freely, sleep deeply, and embody a gentle stillness that radiates from within.

Imagine finding the power to channel your passion into actionable change while connecting with a supportive global community.

This is the journey we embark on, one that leads you from the chaos of ancestral trauma to the serenity and empowerment of purposeful legacy.

This is your calling to become a catalyst for healing—both personally and collectively.

This is the place to experience data-driven, somatic, spiritual ancestral transformation for collective liberation.

An offering of epigenetic alchemy

  • In meditation, I encountered the soul of my business as a 鳳凰 fénghuàng. A harmonious embodiment of Yin and Yang (beyond the binary, like me!), its 孔雀 peacock feathers connect to She Who Hears The Cries of the World, the bodhisattva Guanshiyin Pusa. Balance and compassion are the core of epigenetic alchemy.

  • I catalyze transformation. Over the years, I’ve learned that my whistleblower intuition provokes deep metamorphosis for foundational healing. It’s not comfortable, but the rebirth is glorious. For this reason, I refer to my work as epigenetic alchemy: a metamorphosis at the level of the blueprint. What I once agonized would keep me isolated is now my greatest offering to this planet.

Epigenetic Alchemy is an evidence-based model of embodied energetics grounded in Africana critical theory, grassroots organizing and indigenous Chinese medicine.

I am an epigenetic alchemist.

As a multi-modal healer and multi-disciplinary artist and scholar, I initiate greater equity, harmony and justice. My prayer is that, after crossing paths with me, you go forth feeling utterly sacred and more aligned with your purpose.

Epigenetic Alchemy is a whole-soul offering of channeled vocation.

Epigenetic Alchemy catalyzes embodied transformation that empowers progressive leaders to fulfill their purpose. Ancestral work is the key because it unlocks patterns stored in the body that play out interpersonally.

What sets Epigenetic Alchemy apart

Epigenetic Alchemy is a unique blend of non-binary magic, grounded in critical theory, and deeply rooted in a specific indigenous tradition. In service to the collective, I analyze and operationalize ancestral healing through Five Levels that correspond to the Five Phases of Chinese Medicine. By taking into account the macro context of structural violence, my method attends to dynamics that spiritual bypassing practitioners ignore.

The mainstream healing space mirrors larger society: cisgender, straight, white norms permeate the messaging and practices of popular healers.

With a background in youth organizing, academic excellence in Africana Studies, and extensive training in Chinese medicine and Daoism, my approach is informed by both grassroots activism and rigorous scholarship.

We are committed to addressing structural oppression, honoring indigenous traditions with reciprocity, and creating a transformative space where everyone, regardless of gender or sexual identity, can thrive and heal.

Graphic with Energetic star level around concentric circles. Macro, Meso, Micro, and Embodied.

Transform your lineage, today.